Wednesday, September 12, 2007

More pictures fm our workshop

Firstly, we washed the leaves to get rid of the soil.
There you go, 6 leaves for the 6 of us.. We are going to use these leaves to grow a plant. Bet you didn't know we could do that huh? Most of us may think that we can only grow new plants from seeds and stem cutting .

Next, we dipped the leaves into alcohol (yikes.. I thought alcohol is not for under 18) ... Now,now don't worry, here alcohol is used to sterilise the leaves.. Then, the leaves are dipped into a bleaching agent.. Mmm.. but wat abt the hands and watches..What are they for? Well, we had Jymie and Swee Guan to help keep time.. otherwise, the leaves will 'die' for over sterilisation. We left the leaves in alcohol for 1 minute and in the bleach for 8 minutes.. (this process is called surface sterilisation..)
Finally, we 'rinse' the leaves in water.. Why?..... ask me in class and I will tell you.

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